Friday, 22 August 2014

Plas Brynkir Archaeological dig 2014- Day 4

Day 4 – 12/08/14

Continued removal of the upper layer of stones and slates commenced towards the fire place around the boulder in order to remove them. Once Llyr and Bill had removed them, we cleaned to the larger stone level known as the upper floor but found it did not continue up to the hearth.

Roots needed to be removed in order to gain access to some of the larger stones and while that was being done, I started cleaning backwards from the corner formed by one edge of the trench which happens to be a wall and the wall of the fire place. Whilst doing so, I found a glass bottle. More cleaning revealed several more bottles of the same style and by the end of the day we had 50! More can be seen under the large boulder that still remains but measures need to be taken to remove it first so that we can safely remove the bottles. All of the bottles seem to be lying on the slate floor and I have managed to expose it in some areas. Fragments of iron are intermixed with the bottles; one in particular has a key hole in it, representing some sort of lock!

A faint label can be seen on some of the bottles with one in particular showing over half a worn label that depicts some sort of battle. The word MOUSSIRENDER is visible at the base of the label which relates to a Dutch sparkling wine. 3 different types of bottle have been found; the first the ones with parts of labels, the second a similar shape with grooves running up the bottle neck and the third is a longer and thinner bottle.
In another area of the trench, Mary is in a gap in the wall, possibly representing an entrance or doorway. There, she found a long, thin ornate metal object and a piece of lead depicting a symbol known in history as protection to ward off witches, possibly a piece from a doorway or window.

Diwrnod 4 – 12/08/14

Problem gyntaf y dydd oedd y cerrig anferth wrth y lle tan, a’r ffaith eu bod nhw angen ei symyd. Yn lwcus, mae gennym ni ddau ddyn cryf sef Bill a Llyr ar y safle i symud y fath bethau! Unwaith roedd y cerrig mawr o’r ffordd roedd bosib tynnu yr haen dop o bridd a llechi i weld os oedd y llawr uchaf yn cario ymlaen tuag at y lle tan. Fe ddarganfyddwyd nad oedd o.

Dechreuais  llnau yr haen dop o bridd a llechi yn gweithio’n ol o’r lle tan tuag at y ffenestr. Mae wal yn rhedeg lawr un ochr y ffoes ac felly dechreuais yn y gornel a oedd yn cael ei chreu gan y wal a’r lle tan. Yn y gornel, roedd na boptal wydr wyrdd. Wrth llnau mwy, daeth mwy o boteli gwydr gwyrdd i’r golwg ac erbyn diwedd y dydd, roedd gennym 50! Mae na fwy i’w gweld o dan y garreg fwyaf yn y gornel arall ond buasai angen symyd honnooddi yno cyn dechrau meddwl am eu nhol nhw! Roedd yr haen waelod o boteli yn gorwedd ar y llawr llechan waelod ac felly rwyf wedi dad orchuddio dipyn o’r llawr hwnnw yn y pen pella rwan hefyd. Roedd tameidiau bach o haearn ymysg y poteli hefyd, gyda un yn dangos hoel siap clo!

Mae lebal i’w weld ar rhai o’r poteli ond mae nhw wedi gwisgo. Ar un botal benodol, mae’r lebal i’w weld yn fwy clir ac mae’r gair MOUSSIRENDER i’w weld ar ei waelod sydd yn air Iseldireg am win ffisiog. Mae 3 math o botal wedi cael eu  darganfod hyd yn hyn; y rhai cyntaf ydy’r rhai sydd yn dangos y labeli, mae’r ail rai yn debyg ond mae ganddyn nhw linellau yn rhedeg i fyny’r g wddf ac mae’r trydydd yn botal hir a main.

Mewn rhan arall o’r ffoes, mae Mary yn gweithio ar flwch yn y wal sydd efallai yn cynrychioli drws. Yno, cafodd hyd i damaid hir, tennau o fetal wedi ei addurno a hefyd cafodd hyd i damaid o blwm gyda llun blodyn mewn cylch arno. Mae’r symbol yma i’w weld drwy hanes fel rhywbeth i gadw gwrachod allan o’r adeilad a gallai’r tamaid yma fod wedi dod o ddrws neu ffenestr. 

-Written by our lovely volunteer, Lowri Roberts!

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