I went back to where I was to expose more
of the slate floor I had exposed yesterday. To do so, I had to remove several
more bottles, some whole and some unfortunately broken. When I cleaned the
floor up to a certain point, rows of stacked bottles could be seen there, their
bases exposed. We aren’t sure why this has been done here. The bottles, again,
had slates on top of them, some roof tiles (moss slates) and then another layer
of soil before the stones of the upper floor.
Bill and I removed some more large stones
with the winch and large branches were cut in preparation for the open day
tomorrow. The upper floor was also cleaned in order for photographs to be taken
with a scale to show its size for future record.
Mary discovered another piece of the ornate
iron object which she suggested possible held candles whilst being suspended
from the roof as the object is heavily decorated and each piece found (3 in
total) are rounded and have a hook on them.
I found several pieces of a large tea cup
that was white with a blue pattern on it, depicting Chinese or Japanese
buildings. Lumps of pitch, fragments of corroded iron and fragments of lead
were also found today.
Bill has been saying for days that there is
probably a spiral staircase at the edge of the fire place similar to Pant Glas
Uchaf to and today he found three steps belonging to it! Roots are a bit
problematic in the area but he’s hoping to find some more of it tomorrow.
Mary and I joined up our sections at the
corner of the wall to expose the slate floor right through. It probably runs
the entire length of the hall, not just our trench.
Mi es yn ol bore ma i ddadorchuddio mwy o’r
llawr lechan ym mhen draw’r ffos. I wneud hynny, roedd yn rhaid i mi dynnu
nifer o boteli, rhai yn gyfan a rhai yn anffodus wedi torri. O dan yr ail lawr,
mae posib gweld y poteli ar ben ei gilydd mewn rhesi twt. Nid ydym yn siwr pam
mae hyn wedi cael ei wneud. Ar ben y poteli, roedd llechi, rhai yn lechi
mwsogl, ac ar ben rheini, mwy o bridd ac wedyn yr ail lawr.
Mi symudodd Bill a fi dipyn o gerrig mawr
gyda’r winsh a chafodd nifer o ganghenion eu torri er mwyn y diwrnod agored
yfory. Cafodd y llawr uchaf efyd eu llnau er mwyn tynnu lluniau ohono fel bod
gennym ni record yn y dyfodol.
Cafodd Mary hyd i fwy o’r gwrthrych haearn
a gafodd hi hyd iddo diwrnod o’r blaen. Mae’r haearn wedi ei addurno yn drwm ac
mae’r tri darn hyd yn hyn gyda bachyn arnynt ac yn edrych fel eu bod nhw’n
ffurfio cylch pan roddwyd nhw at ei gilydd. Mae Mary’n meddwl mai efallai
rhywbeth i ddal canhwyllau yn hongian o’r to yw’r gwrthrych.
Cefais hyd i sawl darn o gwpan de fawr wen
gyda phatrwn glas arni heddiw. Mae’r lluniau arni yn edrych fel adeiladau
Chinese neu Japanese ac mae blodau o’u hamgylch. Cafodd talpiau o pitch, darnau
o haearn a darnau o blwm eu darganfod heddiw hefyd.
Mae Bill wedi bod yn dweud ers dyddiau bod
yna grisiau tro yn debygol o fod wrth y lle tan, yn debyg i hwnnw sydd yn Pant
Glas Uchaf a heddiw mi ddadorchuddiodd dri stepan yn perthyn iddo! Mae
gwreiddiau coed yn broblem yn yr ardal lle mae’r grisiau ond mae’n gobeithio
darganfod mwy o stepiau fory!
Mi gliriodd Mary a fi y darn oedd rhwng y ddwy
ohonom heddiw er mwyn gweld y llawr llechan
yn cario yn ei flaen i ddau ran gwahanol o’r safle. Mae’r llawr lechan yn debygol
o redeg o dan y neuadd i gyd ac nid yn unig ein ffos ni.